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My Rock, My Taunya

The Johnston's

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

This week’s blog is about the rock in my life. It is short and to the point and if you don’t know why, you will. This person makes me better, stronger, and wiser. She is my Taunya and she is amazing.

We have a wonderful life together and we share a lot of joy raising our children as a team. Taunya has had her own battles and obstacles to overcome in her life. This week, one of her obstacles is being faced head on. This obstacle keeps coming up as a constant reminder, like an annoying, pesky mosquito that never goes away. It is something she lives with everyday, her illness. While some days are great, other days are only good. But you will never catch her saying she is having a rough day, although I can usually tell as I can see it in her eyes. Today, Taunya is fulfilling one of her Dreams. She is releasing her self-published book on Amazon, The Extraordinary Gifts: My Life with a Chronic Illness.

I have read Taunya’s book many times and it has filled me with tears and joy. Taunya’s story will give you a deeper understanding of her life up until 2015 or so. Taunya writing this book has created a lot of pain, but with the pain comes healing, and with the healing comes appreciation and understanding of how precious life is. Reading this book has brought back many memories for me, and put me right back in that hospital bed, watching a movie on our portable DVD player together or at our townhouse going for slow walk around the neighbourhood with our puppy, Gemma, while recovering from one of the many episodes in the hospital.

The book is so much more than a walk down memory lane for me though, it is our proof that life is unpredictable and fragile, and with enough positive thought, positive energy and perseverance, nothing can hold us back. Taunya is living proof of this and continues to amaze. We are not wishing our experiences were different. Our experiences are what make us who we are.

We cherish them and use them to make us stronger. We have had a lifetime of different experiences in our 15 years together, and I am so grateful for every memory, even though some of them brought so much pain to us as a family.

There are many excerpts I can pull from the book and share with you. Stories that are hard believe actually happened. They are all so important and integral to the story, it would not do it justice to choose just one. You must read for yourself.

Taunya is incredibly nervous about this book being released and has many apprehensions of people thinking she is complaining or being too preachy. We believe in sharing strength-based perspectives and stories like hers need to be shared with the world. We have aspirations as a family and this book release is an essential part of the journey for us. We are focusing on a new trajectory in life. Hang on or don’t, but it’s happening, and we can’t wait!

Logging off for now.


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