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My Unconventional Book Launch

The Johnston's

In the last few weeks since releasing my book, The Extraordinary Gifts: My Life with a Chronic Illness, many readers have reached out and shared their thoughts, feelings, and reactions to my book. I am so grateful for the words of support and for the time each one of you has shared to tell me what my story has meant to you. Thank you!

Why I Decided to Publish My Story

When teaching, one of the key messages I share with students is that change happens when we share our stories and give people the opportunity to learn from our experiences. It was upon much reflection that I realized I was holding back my story. I was afraid to share, afraid to be vulnerable.

I think many of my fears came from years of being ill and perceiving myself to be weak. I would do anything to resist going back to those feelings of powerlessness. When I finished my doctorate in 2016, I was more than ready to close the book and move on.

But every so often, I would be reminded of the story that I wasn't sharing. Nearing the end of 2019, I started to journal about my fears of sharing my story and came to see that even if I was afraid to share my story, my story is about finding light in darkness. I believe with every essence of my being that we all need to hear more stories that bring forth light.

When we see light, we transform, we grow, and we love deeper.

My life with a chronic illness seemed at first to be so full of darkness.

My journey is about how I found the light.

I would like to celebrate that light with you!

Join Me in Being A Part of My Unconventional Book Launch!

I would love to see a pic of you holding my book!

Take a photo and tag me (@taunyawjohnston and/or @thehearthappyfamily) on Instagram, and I will gift you a signed copy of my book. In return, I ask that you pass along your original copy to a friend, family member, or a total stranger. Really anyone who you think would enjoy or benefit from reading my book.

Once you post your pic, DM me where you would like me to send your signed copy of

The Extraordinary Gifts: My Life with a Chronic Illness.

Are you looking to purchase a copy? My book is available for purchase from The Presence Store and Amazon.

Thank you for being a part of my book launch!

Love and Light to You and Yours,


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