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Taunya Wideman-Johnston first book. The Extraordinary Gifts: My Life with a Chronic Illness. No one is exempt from the impact of illness. Illness is part of the human experience whether we become ill or someone dear to us. This narrative vulnerably portrays one woman’s experiences living with a chronic illness. The author describes her transformation through her own life experience; suffering into beauty, pain into hope and fear into love. Taunya Wideman-Johnston reflects and illuminates for the reader the extraordinary gifts she has received from living with a chronic illness. Through a heartwarming and intimate account of her own story, Taunya shares her discoveries of an abundant life filled with love, gratitude, and peace. With research to guide her discovery and a determined intention to advocate for others, she builds a purposeful disclosure grounded in hope about how life with a chronic illness can be reframed into a strength-based perspective.

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The Extraordinary Gifts: My Life with a Chronic Illness

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